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Travel warning

Travel warning, home quarantine, PCR test: Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Austria, Germany

Anyone who still wants to travel from Germany or Austria to the Adriatic Sea to Italy, Slovenia or Croatia will hardly find their way through the jungle of mutual travel warnings in the context of the Corona Pandemic. One wrong decision, and at home, quarantine and one, sometimes two expensive PCR tests threaten. The SeaHelp editorial team once took the...

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Travel warning Croatia: Due to the Coronavirus little Skipper locally

Is Austria being measured with double standards when it comes to coronavirus and travel warnings? For example, Austria issues a partial travel warning for the Portuguese cities of Lisbon and Norte (security level 5), but for Croatia (security level 6), a travel warning applies to the entire country, although the northern regions have so far had significantly lower 7-day incidences...

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Austrian boat owners demand abolition of the blanket travel warning for Croatia

Due to the current situation around the coronavirus and the behavior of the Austrian government, boat and yacht owners whose boats are waiting for wintering in Croatia have little understanding for Austria's current travel warning for the entire region of Croatia. SeaHelp members Andreas and Katharina Neuner, which even over a 11-meter sailing yacht in the Marina Veruda in Istria,...

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Travel warning for Croatia from Austria

Things are slowly getting tight for Croatia in the <a title="Article on the Covid 19 pandemic" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">COVID 19 pandemic</a> caused by Sars-CoV-2, as Austria is currently issuing a <a title="Wikipedia: Meaning Travel Warning" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">travel warning</a> for Croatia. The number of infections has risen sharply in recent days: From 91 new infections on Tuesday to...

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