More freedom of movement on Krk
A SeaHelp employee describes the situation on site: “At present, the island of Krk may only be left with a valid reason, and strict controls are still in place at the bridge. But on the island you can already move around much more freely again”. This change in to a more relaxed atmosphere is also noticeable in the street scene: “There are significantly more people on the road, walking or cycling, but still strictly observing the minimum distance. Everything is still very disciplined.”
Positive mood despite coronavirus SARS-CoV-2
With bright sunshine and more than 21 degrees in the shade, no one wants to risk the newly won freedom. The news that the Croatian media are currently spreading during the Corona crisis also adapts to the weather: “Since Thursday, the mood in our media has changed,” she continues. “People are looking much more positively into the future, even if the figures for the viral disease caused by the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 do not really give any reason to do so yet. In fact, the first markets have already been opened again, but the police are meticulously monitoring the prescribed distance rules”.
Less restrictions also in Istria
Similar news is currently reaching us from Istria: The strict regional restrictions have been lifted, you can drive from Medulin to Pula again, for example, and the markets there have also reopened. And, what makes many Croatian do-it-yourselfers happy, the DIY stores have also opened. However, there are also access restrictions: More than 20 people can’t be admitted.
The head of the Istrian Civil Defence, Dino Kozlevac, declared at a press conference: “I am pleased that the National Civil Defence has approved our application. This makes everyday life easier for the citizens. A large number of inhabitants here are existentially bound to a neighbouring community or town. Especially considering the fact that there were difficulties with electronic passes, this decision by the Civil Defence was the right one”.
A light at the end of the tunnel? It seems that on the Feast of the Resurrection, life in Croatia will also resurrect in small, cautious steps.