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Table with opening hours of the capitaneries: Permit at the capitaneries in Croatia on holidays only limited available.

Permit: Opening hours and phone numbers of the capitaneries in Croatia in table form!
The permit is available in the capitaneries, but you have to pay attention to the opening hours.

The extremely welcome, but yet quite sudden elimination of the quarantine regulations for Austrian citizens returning from Croatia, will probably have triggered a real run on the Croatian marinas before the upcoming long weekend. Many boat and yacht owners want to acquire just quickly the Croatian permit, in order to undertake still on Thursday a first exit. However, they should take into account that just as in Austria and also in parts of Germany, Thursday is considered a holiday and accordingly the capitaneries responsible for the permit in Croatia, where the coming Thursday is also considered a holiday, are at least partially closed.

Note Croatian holidays

Since in the SeaHelp operations center in Punat the calls about the opening hours of the capitaneries are piling up, SeaHelp has decided to publish here once again the opening hours and telephone numbers of the capitaneries in tabular form, to give the owners themselves the opportunity to contact the respective responsible capitanerie during the specified opening hours.

Here is a brief explanation of the table: When it is listed, “Monday through Saturday,” it means that the respective capitanerie is usually closed on weekends as well as holidays (such as the upcoming Thursday, editor’s note).

SeaHelp does offer the service of obtaining a permit via its cooperation partner Mandinus d. o.o., with a processing time of three to five working days can not be ensured in such a short time that the permit applications can still be processed until next Thursday in due time, especially since currently there should be an increased rush at the capitaneries. SeaHelp had incidentally already in the run-up again and again pointed to the permit service, as should be emphasized again at this point.

Permit via Kapitanerie

To avoid misunderstandings: Responsible for issuing the permit is exclusively the Kapitanierie. The port authority only allocates the berths and has nothing to do with the issuance of the permit.

Tour tax only online

And also the resort tax can be paid exclusively only online, as SeaHelp already reported. However, it should be noted here: Because of the Corona pandemic, a 20% discount on the annual amount is being discussed, as it was last year. Therefore, owners who do not want to initiate the procedure of repayment after the fact, should pay the tourist tax only for the period per person in which the boat or yacht is actually used.

Table with opening hours and telephone numbers of the capitaneries:

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