Skippers know the problem: Sometimes external influences force you to leave the set course in order to get back into the right channel with a course correction. This was also the case with the last livestream of SeaHelp, in which the topic was entry/return Croatia for Austrian and German vacationers/skippers. Obviously, the editors had not given enough time to the viewers’ pronounced need for information, as a subsequent evaluation of the chat history revealed. Therefore, we have decided to inform on Wednesday, March 17 at 20.00 h once again and exclusively, i.e. without a guest, on this topic in the livestream on the SeaHelp YouTube Channel.
PCR test children
We have to pass on a big compliment to our expert viewers, whose questions and suggestions brought to light problems in border travel to Croatia that probably no one has thought through in advance. That children from the 6th month are already allowed to enter Croatia only with a PCR test was not difficult to answer at first.
Persons who are immunized…
More interesting is the everyday scenario: How do I prove to a strict Croatian border guard, who absolutely does not want to understand German and insists on the Croatian official language, that I have already contracted COVID-19? The resulting temporary immunity could eventually exempt the entrant from prior testing, just like already vaccinated persons (in the future). We also clarify whether the informal letter from the family doctor, written in German, could be helpful during a check.
Quick tests available in Croatia?
Or: What about rapid antigen tests in Croatia? Are they available in sufficient numbers or should vacationers be advised to carry these inexpensive tests in their luggage as a precaution? Which tests are subject to bilateral recognition so that there are no problems entering Austria or Germany in the event of any return travel restrictions?
Entry by sea
What should I expect if I enter Croatia by sea coming from Slovenia or Italy? What measures do skippers expect at the Port of Entry?
The SeaHelp editorial team will try to provide the appropriate answers, backed up as usual by the regulations in force at the time.
Mark questions correctly in live chat and comments
Highlight your question with the HashTag #FragSeaHelp, in the live chat and comments below the video after the livestream, this will ensure that we answer your question as well.
Here’s how to ask your question correctly in the live chat or comments:
#FragSeaHelp Your question is here.
Questions also by email to
At the same time, we would like to point out to our viewers and all those who use our website: At there is the possibility to place the respective questions already before the livestream. We will try to answer as quickly as possible, but we also ask for your understanding if there may be delays due to a large number of requests. Sometimes quality goes before quantity.
Preview of the next dates
By the way, you should make a note of the livestream dates and subscribe to our channel to be on the safe side: Planned in the future are also contributions on the topics of on-board electrics, gas on board, general driving license issues (boat) and that the new EU drone regulation, which brings some changes. And in between we will also comment on current topics such as changes in travel regulations.